hvilken skæreløsning til hvad?
Hvilket skæreudstyr man skal vælge, afhænger af flere faktorer:
Er skæreopgaverne ensartede og i store produktionssæt, eller er de varierede og i små oplag?
Hvor fleksibel er der behov for at skæreudstyret er. Vil man f.eks. gerne hurtigt kunne omstille til at skære i forskellige materialer, eller ændre skabelonernes mål til gentagende produktion i varierede størrelse.
Er der behov for flere typer af skæreteknikker i samme arbejdsgang?
Uanset behovet kan udstyret tilpasses ethvert behov for professionel produktion, det være sig som stand-alone løsninger eller integreret i en produktionslinje.
Gennemskæring af rullemateriale
Fotoba udskære firkanter (X/Y) i varieret størrelse og trimmer lange baner af fleksibelt materiale – f.eks. efterbehandling af plakater og fotoprint, labels og klistermærker, tapeter, bannere, roll-ups mv.
PMH Systems forhandler det markedsledende Fotoba brand i hele Norden. Fotoba har udviklet rulleskæremaskiner siden 1974 og optimerer kontinuerligt på det fuldautomatiske rulleskæreudstyr til efterbehandling af storformat print, så det følger tidens krav til kapacitet, præcision og udbyttemaksimering.
Fotoba roll cuttere fungerer både som semi-automatiske stand-alone løsninger ideelle til produktion af forskellige størrelser, og fuldautomatiske in-line løsninger til non-stop industriel produktion.
Nøglen til Fotobas stærke markedsposition er flere patenterede ideer, som Digitrim, XLD serien og Multi Cutter m.m.
Det seneste skud på stammen er den nye XLA 170 cutter, som er verdens første fuldautomatiske X/Y cutter som kan trimme vilkårlige størrelser på samme rulle med høj præcision.

Flere skæreteknikker i samme arbejdsgang
Med et multihoved kan Aristo håndtere flere skæreteknikker i samme arbejdsgang og skærebordet kan hurtigt omstilles til forskellige materialer og skabeloner.
Aristo, som er den førende tyske producent af storformat fladskærere til CAD/CAM-behandling af stive eller bøjelige materialer, løser de mest krævende skæreopgaver præcist og pålideligt. De mange applikationsspecifikke værktøjssystemer muliggør dyse- eller kysskæring i høj kvalitet, krølning, ridsning, stansning, fræsning eller mærkning af forskellige materialer - faste eller fleksible.
En ARISTOMAT Cutter kan bruges til efterbehandling af en lang række materialer med høj præcision: Pakningsmateriale, folier, skum, laminater, tekniske tekstiler, re-board, pap, træ, hårdt eller ikke-jernholdige metaller og meget mere.
Med Aristos egenudviklede MultiHead-teknologi kan forskellige materialer behandles uden yderligere monteringstider: F.eks. pakninger af gummi, silikone, plast og endda grafit med dobbelt eller tredobbelt stållag og mere….
Det er det, der gør ARISTOMAT fladskærere så alsidige.

Rulleskæremaskiner XY
- Inline Automatic Roll Cutter
- Inline Hi Speed Automatic Roll Cutter
- XLA Automatic Roll Cutter
- XLB Base Roll Cutter
- XLD Roll Cutter
- XLD Wallpaper Roll Cutter
- XLD Hi Speed Single Roll Cutter
- XLD Hi Speed Double Roll Cutter
- XLE Roll Cutter
- XLE Wallpaper Roll Cutter

Standard Speed Inline Automatic XLD XY Cutter
Dedicated line to high volume printers,
complete with buffer, cutter and stacker

Multi Tasks Automatic Roll Cutter
The XLD X/Y cutter is made for non-stop industrial production, and a patented system of sensors makes sure the cutter follows the print.
With the Fotoba cut marks generated by the RIP and the True Image Edge Tracking, the cutter is executed with precise accuracy.
Equipped with extremely easy roll loading, and Digitrim function to enhance the versatitily.
- Inline Buffer that accumulates the media controlling the action of the cutter while the printer is plotting
- XLD170 Stacker II. An Inline material collecting table that allows unattended cutting of media
- DigiTrim (Sheet) function.
- High speed cross cutting.
- Self squaring to the edge of the image (X).
- Automatic tracking of the image edge (Y).
- Max linear speed 18 m/50 ft.
- Vertical slicers: Single, 8 mm double or adjustable double.
- Adjustable cutting lengths and quantities for media conversion.
- Memory channels to store different cut marks.
- All mechanisms controlled by stepper motors.
- Automatic scanning of the cut marks.
- Self sharpening blade system.
- Accuracy: X ± 1mm (0.039in.) Y ± 1mm (0.039 in.).

High Speed Single Cut Inline Automatic XLD XY Cutter
Dedicated line to high volume printers,
complete with buffer, cutter and stacker

Multi Tasks Automatic Roll Cutter
The XLD X/Y cutter is made for non-stop industrial production, and a patented system of sensors makes sure the cutter follows the print.
With the Fotoba cut marks generated by the RIP and the True Image Edge Tracking, the cutter is executed with precise accuracy.
Equipped with extremely easy roll loading, and Digitrim function to enhance the versatitily.
- Inline Buffer that accumulates the media controlling the action of the cutter while the printer is plotting
- XLD170 Stacker II. An Inline material collecting table that allows unattended cutting of media
- DigiTrim (Sheet) function.
- High speed cross cutting.
- Self squaring to the edge of the image (X).
- Automatic tracking of the image edge (Y).
- Max linear speed 42m/50 ft.
- Vertical slicers: Single, 8 mm double or adjustable double.
- Adjustable cutting lengths and quantities for media conversion.
- Memory channels to store different cut marks.
- All mechanisms controlled by stepper motors.
- Automatic scanning of the cut marks.
- Self sharpening blade system.
- Accuracy: X ± 1mm (0.039in.) Y ± 1mm (0.039 in.).

XLA Automatic X/Y Roll Cutter
Automatic vertical blade positioning improves automation and allows fully unattended cutting of multiple sizes

High Performance Multi-format Cutter
The XLA has the ability to read a barcode printed on the media and automatically adjust the position of the vertical blades (Caldera V12 compatible).
Together with the X/Y blades image tracking, it is the world’s first fully automatic X/Y cutter, capable of unattended trimming with precision random sizes in the same roll.
The cutter can also easily set standard sizes, eplicating the XLD features with an even more user-friendly operability.
The cutter can handle most flexible media including polycarbonate, photo paper, vinyl, self-adhesive vinyl, PVC, film, duratrans, TDF, canvas, laminated or encapsulated prints and much more.
- Up to six automatic vertical blades.
- Automatic barcode printing (Caldera V12).
- Intuitive touch screen
- Self squaring to the edge of the image (X).
- Automatic tracking of the image edge (Y).
- Max linear speed 18 m/50 ft.
- Vertical slicers: Single, Double cut 8 mm
- All mechanisms controlled by stepper motors.
- Automatic scanning of the cut marks.
- Self sharpening blade system.
- Accuracy: X ± 1mm (0.039in.) Y ± 1mm (0.039 in.).

XLB Base X/Y Roll Cutter
High performance fully automatic cutter, High performance fully automatic cutter, that cuts a full roll in 12 minutes.

Automatic Roll Cutter
The XLB X/Y cutter is made for non-stop industrial production, and a patented system of sensors makes sure the cutter follows the print.
With the Fotoba cut marks generated by the RIP and the True Image Edge Tracking, the cutter is executed with precise accuracy.
Equipped with extremely easy roll loading, and Digitrim function to enhance the versatitily.
- DigiTrim (Sheet) function.
- High speed cross cutting.
- Self squaring to the edge of the image (X).
- Automatic tracking of the image edge (Y).
- Max linear speed 18 m/50 ft.
- Vertical slicers: Single, 8 mm double or adjustable double.
- Adjustable cutting lengths and quantities for media conversion.
- Memory channels to store different cut marks.
- All mechanisms controlled by stepper motors.
- Automatic scanning of the cut marks.
- Self sharpening blade system.
- Accuracy: X ± 1mm (0.039in.) Y ± 1mm (0.039 in.).

XLD X/Y Roll Cutter
High performance fully automatic cutter, that cuts a full roll in 12 minutes.

Multi Tasks Automatic Roll Cutter
The XLD X/Y cutter is made for non-stop industrial production, and a patented system of sensors makes sure the cutter follows the print.
With the Fotoba cut marks generated by the RIP and the True Image Edge Tracking, the cutter is executed with precise accuracy.
Equipped with extremely easy roll loading, and Digitrim function to enhance the versatitily.
- DigiTrim (Sheet) function.
- High speed cross cutting.
- Self squaring to the edge of the image (X).
- Automatic tracking of the image edge (Y).
- Max linear speed 18 m/50 ft.
- Vertical slicers: Single, 8 mm double or adjustable double.
- Adjustable cutting lengths and quantities for media conversion.
- Memory channels to store different cut marks.
- All mechanisms controlled by stepper motors.
- Automatic scanning of the cut marks.
- Self sharpening blade system.
- Accuracy: X ± 1mm (0.039in.) Y ± 1mm (0.039 in.).

XLD XY Wallpaper Roll Cutter
Designed to make the most accurate vertical cut enabling a perfect butt-joint.

High speed digitally printed wall paper cutter
Wall Paper digitally printed for interior decoration requires a perfect butt-joint which is impossible to be done reliably by hand cutting. The XLD170WP plus our REW104 coreless rolling unit can make this and industrial production.
This special version of the XLD 170 Digital Print Cutter is designed to make the most accurate vertical cut enabling a perfect butt-joint. Ideal for trimming multiple tiles of single images for side by side. It follows the image with an accuracy of 0,06 mm (0,002 in).
It can handle most flexible media up to a maximum thickness of 1 mm including polycarbonate, photo paper, vinyl, self-adhesive vinyl, PVC, film, duratrans, TDF, canvas, laminated or encapsulated prints and much more.
- Accuracy: X ± 1mm, Y ± 0.068 mm.
- DigiTrim (Sheet) function.
- High speed cross cutting.
- Self squaring to the edge of the image (X).
- Automatic tracking of the image edge (Y).
- Max linear speed 18 m/50 ft.
- Vertical slicers: Single, 8 mm double or adjustable double.
- Adjustable cutting lengths and quantities for media conversion.
- Memory channels to store different cut marks.
- All mechanisms controlled by stepper motors.
- Automatic scanning of the cut marks.
- Self sharpening blade system.

XLD High Speed Single Cut X/Y Roll Cutter
Doubles the speed of the XLD Standard models. With Single cut

High Speed Multi Task Automatic Roll Cutter
All models have the same features as the XLD models and all accessories can be added, similar to the standard line.
The XLD X/Y cutter is made for non-stop industrial production, and a patented system of sensors makes sure the cutter follows the print.
- DigiTrim (Sheet) function.
- High speed cross cutting.
- Self squaring to the edge of the image (X).
- Automatic tracking of the image edge (Y).
- Max linear speed 34 m/50 ft.
- Vertical slicers: Single, 8 mm double or adjustable double.
- Adjustable cutting lengths and quantities for media conversion.
- Memory channels to store different cut marks.
- All mechanisms controlled by stepper motors.
- Automatic scanning of the cut marks.
- Self sharpening blade system.
- Accuracy: X ± 1mm (0.039in.) Y ± 1mm (0.039 in.).

XLD Hi Speed Double Cut X/Y Roll Cutter
Doubles the speed of the XLD Standard models. With Double cut

High Speed Multi Task Automatic Roll Cutter
All models have the same features as the XLD models and all accessories can be added, similar to the standard line.
XLD170HSD reduce cutting time even more when cutting small sizes. This version is recommended for paper cutting. It is the perfect solution to trim all the flexible media output up to 1,7 mt/67in in the fastest turnaround time.
The XLD X/Y cutter is made for non-stop industrial production, and a patented system of sensors makes sure the cutter follows the print.
Double cut in one pass (patented) Double cut in one pass (patented) reduce cutting time even more when cutting small sizes
- Special blade for paper only.
- DigiTrim (Sheet) function.
- High speed cross cutting.
- Self squaring to the edge of the image (X).
- Automatic tracking of the image edge (Y).
- Max linear speed 34 m/50 ft.
- Vertical slicers: Single, 8 mm double or adjustable double.
- Adjustable cutting lengths and quantities for media conversion.
- Memory channels to store different cut marks.
- All mechanisms controlled by stepper motors.
- Automatic scanning of the cut marks.
- Self sharpening blade system.
- Accuracy: X ± 1mm (0.039in.) Y ± 1mm (0.039 in.).

XLE X/Y Roll Cutter
Simplified version with vertical (Y) automatic alignment correction

X/Y high speed cutter
The XLE is a simplified version of the XLD Standard model.
The cutter is industrial built, ergonomic and keeps the possibility to add all XLD accessories while being more accessible.
- High speed cross cutting.
- Automatic tracking of the image edge (Y).
- Max linear speed 18 m/50 ft.
- Vertical slicers: Single, 8 mm double or adjustable double.
- Adjustable cutting lengths and quantities for media conversion.
- Memory channels to store different cut marks.
- All mechanisms controlled by stepper motors.
- Automatic scanning of the cut marks.
- Self sharpening blade system.
- Accuracy: X ± 1mm (0.039in.) Y ± 1mm (0.039 in.).

XLE Wallpaper Roll Cutter
Simplified version with vertical (Y) high precision automatic alignment correction

X/Y high precision roll cutter
Wall Paper digitally printed for interior decoration requires a perfect butt-joint which is impossible to be done reliably by hand cutting.
The XLE170WP plus our REW104 coreless rolling unit can make this and industrial production. The XLE170 is a simplified version of the XLD170 Standard.
The cutter is industrial built, ergonomic and keeps the possibility to add all XLD accessories while being more accessible.
- Accuracy: Y ± 0.068 mm.
- High speed cross cutting.
- Automatic tracking of the image edge (Y).
- Max linear speed 18 m/50 ft.
- Vertical slicers: Single, 8 mm double or adjustable double.
- Adjustable cutting lengths and quantities for media conversion.
- Memory channels to store different cut marks.
- All mechanisms controlled by stepper motors.
- Automatic scanning of the cut marks.
- Self sharpening blade system.

Oplev problemfri skæring medvores brugervenlige skæreløsning,der gør skæreprocessen til en leg!

Denne alt-i-én-løsning hjælper med at automatisere proces-sen med at færdiggøre store trykte materialer og reducere omkostningerne ved denne proces.
Dette åbner op for nye mulig-heder, skærer omkostninger og hjælper med at øge produktionen, samtidig med at man tjener flere penge.
Colex Sharpcut er stærk og stabil, hvilket sikrer, at ma-skinen ikke vibrerer, når den skærer eller fræser. Dette betyder, at den kan give dine materialer en super glat finish, selv når de er op til 2,5 tommer tykke!
Sharpcuts unikke design med tre udskiftelige værktøjsho-veder gør det hurtigt for din operatør at skifte mellem at fræse, skære med kniv eller lave præcise snit. Den kommer standard med en fast kniv, en svingende kniv og en fræser, så du kan bruge bordet til mange forskellige formål. Du kan tilføje ekstra værktøjer ef-ter behov for at tilpasse det til din specifikke arbejdsgang.
- Stop maskinen, og sørg for at den er slukket.
- Løsn det aktuelle værktøj med det medfølgen-de værktøj eller en simpel nøgle.
- Tag det gamle værktøj ud.
- Placer det nye værktøj på plads.
- Stram det let - og wupti, du er færdig!

Skærebord Aristomat TL1925C
Cutting table ideal for creativework in Re-board and much more

Robust and Powerful
Extremely robust traverse bridge with minimal protruding at the sides and belt drive in all axis for slip-free drive. Powerful AC-servomotors and the modern CAN-Bus-steering technique enable a high throughput.
Powerful vacuumtechnique
Up to 54 controllable vacuum zones hold even the smallest of remnants safely on the work surface.
Simple operating
With the easy-to-use operable CutterControlPanel software the ARISTOMAT cutter are controlled from PC. The Windows user interface offers the user all graphical informations of the cutting data.
With the mobile control pad essential functions such as navigation or setting the origin allow an effective operation.
Material transport
To automate the processing, the machine are supplemented with a revolving conveyor, a powered unwinding device for continual material transportation of roll materials.
The machines also can be converted to ProductionLineCutters (PLC) with integrated loading and/or unloading table.
Tool Heads & Fitting
MultiHead V A7z 1/2 (12004)
Optimised tool head for digital diecutting. With oscillating tangential blade and extremely powerful drive.
- MaterialsCartons, cardboards, corrugated cardboards,Honeycomb, gaskets, plastics, foams, vinyls,laminates, composites, carbon fiber, fiberglass …
- Up to 7 alteady set tools• Controlled depth adjustment
- Height sensor
- AutomaticEye System
- Process database „CutRecall“
- Computer controlled tools
- 1 mm Oscillating stroke 200 Hz
BevelCut Device (12003)
Precise angled cut of e.g. foamcore or sandwich board and even rubber materials. Standard cut angle 45°. Including tool holder for 45° cut. Up to 18 mm (0.71 in) cutting depth. All functions are set via the CutterControlPanel.
Optional e.g. 30 or 60 ° cut angle, with associated tool holder and MultiAngle Software upgrade.

Matic Helios Plus Laser Cutter
Cutting table ideal for creativeCutting table ideal for creativework in Re-board and much more

Automatic laser cutting machine for high speed production
A unique solution to cut textile. HELIOS PLUS has been specifically designed to save time and reduce costs for print service providers who are printing fabrics on a large and grand format scale.
It allows an optimum use of printed fabrics due to a specially developed scanning systems that scans the entire bed within 4 seconds before starting the cutting process. The High-Speed conveyor belt system advances the fabric, keeps it flat, eliminates waves on the surface, limiting the operator’s involvement and thus warranting an accurate cut every time. HELIOS PLUS’ software compensates automatically for shrinkage and distortion eliminating the need for manual measurements. Fabrics will be accurately cut on-size with sealed edges ensuring that there is no fraying.
- Scanner located in cutting bridge
- Automatic unwinding and edge control
- Wide format cutting area in 3.3m and 5m width
- Perfect Laser cutting result. No fray
- QR Code for fabric roll selection
- Easy to use - cutting software by MATIC
- Conveyor developed for high speed advancing
- Very robust and elegant design
- 120 Watt Laser – Aircooled

Fotoba Accessories
Add extra cutting units, heavy duty support for large paper rolls, labeller and more...
Cutting Unit for XLE/XLD Right Shape.
8402 For XLE/XLD
Cutting Unit for XLE/XLD Left Shape.
8403 For XLE/XLD
Double Cutting unit (8 mm/0.315”)
8405 For XLE/XLD
High Precision Double Cut Cutting Unit for Wall Paper Application with Micrometric Adjustment
8409 For XLE/XLD WP
High Precision Left Shape Cutting Unit for Wall Paper Application with Micrometric Adjustment
8407 For XLE/XLD WP
High Precision Right Shape Cutting Unit for Wall Paper Application with Micrometric Adjustment
8408 For XLE/XLD WP
Motorized Single Cut Cutting Unit Complete with Electronic Control Board and Wiring
8413 For XLA
Motorized Double Cut Cutting Unit Complete with Electronic Control Board and Wiring
8414 For XLA
Set of Adjustable Cutting Units (from 9.5 to 120 mm)
8406 For XLE/XLD
Labeller for REW
8401 For all models
3" Flange
8411 For XLE/XLD
Exit Sorting Tool
8410 For XLE/XLD
Heavy Duty Support for Paper Rolls over 26 cm Diameter including 3" shaft
8412 For XLE/XLD.